Monday, June 18, 2012

Wedding Photography - Tough Questions

How much should I pay?
Unfortunately, this question can be likened to the saying: 'How long is a piece of string?'  
Please bear in mind though that price should not be the only consideration when choosing a wedding photographer. 

How important do you think wedding photographs are?
 Not very important – I just want something to remember the day by.
 Reasonably important – I want a formal record of the day.
 Important – I want the photos to tell my wedding story.
 Very important – Some of the photos should be pieces of art.
 Extremely important – No expense spared I want the best.

What would you like your wedding package to include?
 Just a few prints, I don't need an album.
 A simple, small, traditional wedding album.
 A good quality, modern wedding album that will stand the test of time.
 A good quality wedding album, an on-line gallery and some pictures for the wall.
 The best album, parents albums, an on-line gallery and a CD of images.

How long would you like your photographer to be with you on the day?

 Approx 1 hour – During the ceremony only.
 Approx 2 hours – Ceremony including before and after photos at same location.
 Approx 3-4 hours – Ceremony and reception (until wedding breakfast).
 Over 4 hours – Getting ready, ceremony and reception (until wedding breakfast).
 All day – From getting ready right up to and including the evening reception.

Once you have decided which of the these three questions apply to you, you may need to re-evaluate your budget and your photographer.

Brides Questions Answered

What if you're not very photogenic?
The first thing I would say is don't worry! Lots of people feel awkward about having their photograph taken but in my experience once you are in the midst of your wedding day (i.e. after the ceremony particularly) you are that happy naturally you can't help but give off a lovely natural smile and glow that your photographer will be able to capture.

Discuss any specific worries with your photographer they may be able to take these into account with the poses and positions they plan. For instance, a common complaint is brides not liking their nose but this is easily remedied by the photographer taking care not to place the brides head on a side profile.

I hope that helps!
How does the weather affect the style or colour of your wedding dress?
As far as photography goes it shouldn't as long as you have a competent photographer. Different weather conditions can make it harder to capture the detail and colours of the wedding and bridesmaid dresses. For instance, bright sunshine can be hard to balance so that a white dress becomes too white (i.e. blown out) and you loose the detail in the dress. However, an experienced photographer will be aware of this and can adjust their exposures to compensate. Another thing for photographers to watch in varying light conditions is the colours of the dresses in different light conditions. As an example, you would want a photo showing the colour of your bridesmaid dresses outside to be the same colour of your bridesmaid dresses inside. This requires some management by the photographer during post processing in managing the colour balance so that the colours are the same throughout the entire wedding album. I hope this answers your question. In summary, there is nothing for you to worry about when choosing your dresses but when choosing a photographer make sure you look at a complete wedding and pay attention to see if you can see the detail in the wedding dress and that the colours in the dress are the same colour throughout the wedding album.
Who Owns Our Wedding Photos?
The person that takes the photo owns the copyright. So your wedding photos belong to the photographer and they agree to sell you prints of those photographs. Sometimes the photographer will sell you a CD of your photos with printing rights which allows you to print your photographs as much as you want but the photographer still will retain copyright. Rarely, some photographers will agree to sell you the copyright to your photographs, if this happens the ownership of the photos becomes yours and the photographer can no longer make any copies of your photos without breaching copyright.
Do I need two photographers for my wedding?
There are advantages of there being two photographers at your wedding. Whilst one photographer captures any formal pictures you require the other photographer captures informal pictures as you and your guests enjoy themselves. You then get a nice balance between traditional photography and photography that captures the moment. Two photographers would also be an advantage if you would like shots in different locations at the same time, for example, Bride getting ready & Groom getting ready shots. Several photographers these days offer packages that include two photographers, often these are husband and wife teams which can work well. However, whether you need two photographers depends on your photographic expectations of the day and any budgetary restrictions. Obviously two peoples time is usually more expensive than one person, but the end result can be worth while.
Our family doesn't get on, how will the photographer manage the group photos?
Just talk to your photographer about any concerns you may have.  There is always a way around a difficult situation i.e. take two group shots of the bride's family rather than forcing everyone together.  If your photographer is aware of any difficult situations he/she will be able to be tactful when dealing with family members.  Most likely you will also discuss 'must have' shots with your photographer before your wedding day, during this meeting you will be able to specify things like: "I'd like a photo with my Mum & Dad separately, not together".  Finally, just a note of reassurance, whatever your family situation your photographer will most likely have encountered something similar previously, so above all don't worry.  By all means think of what you can in advance but forget it all on your wedding day and just enjoy yourselves.
Does the venue matter? (In regards to photography)
Your photographer will no doubt be experienced in making the most of any wedding venue. However, it does help if the venue has great features that could be exploited photographically. If you have already chosen a venue, when choosing a photographer ask them if they have ever photographed at your venue before. If they have, ask to see their photographs to aid you in choosing a photographer. If you still need to choose a venue, then taken a look at the article Choosing a Wedding Venue with Photography in Mind. Here you will find tips on what to look for when choosing a wedding venue and some questions to ask the wedding coordinator at the venue.
How much should I pay for wedding photography?
That's a good question and the answer varies from person to person. A rough estimate is usually 10% of your wedding budget. However, it can depend on several factors. Try asking yourself these questions for starters: How important are photographs to you? Do you use photographs as an aid to remember events? Do you think you would forget details of your wedding day if you didn't have a photo of it? Do you enjoy reminiscing with photos? Once you've answered these questions you'll begin to get an idea of how important photography is to you. Then you can try our to give you an idea of cost.
How can I choose a good wedding photographer?
See complete weddings that the photographer has photographed themselves and ask yourself if you are happy with the quality of the photographs, their style of photography and the moments, emotions and details that have been captured. Do you get on with them personally, are you comfortable in their company? Do you feel relaxed with them? See Choosing a Professional Wedding Photographer for more tips.
What if it rains on my wedding day?
The first thing I would say to a Bride if it's raining is don't worry! A good photographer will have thought about what to do if it rains and they will have earmarked areas indoors that will be good for photos - so you shouldn't need to worry. When choosing a photographer it's always worth asking the question, what would you do if it rained? Then you can be confident that they would be prepared if outdoor photography isn't possible. You can help the situation too though by looking around your wedding venue for places that could be used should it rain. For more information and helpful tips it is well worth reading through the article: How will the Weather Affect my Wedding Photography? Whatever, happens though be assured that you will have a great day no matter what the weather.
What questions should I ask a prospective wedding photographer?
First of all, you should always ask to see a complete wedding, from start to finish, that the photographer has taken previously. Make sure you meet the photographer personally and have a chat to ensure that you can both get on. Ask them what would happen if they were sick on your wedding day, who do they have as back up? Finally, have a look at Choosing a Professional Wedding Photographer for even more things you should consider when choosing your wedding photographer.

Choosing a Professional Wedding Photographer

Your wedding day is one of the most important days in your life. It is not unusual for modern day couples to spend years planning their wedding day. So after all your effort and hard work, and the wedding day has been and gone, you need to make sure that you have a record of your day that captures not only what happened but also all the feelings and emotions of the day.

But how do you start to choose a photographer? These days there are lots of wedding photographers all offering different packages and styles with a range of prices to match. Generally speaking you get what you pay for in terms of experience, coverage and album quality.

How can you make sure that the wedding photos you get are just as wonderful as the day itself? This task becomes even more daunting when you realise that wedding photography is the most demanding area of photography. The wedding photographer is responsible for taking ordinary people of all shapes and sizes and from every walk of life and making them look like Princes and Princesses on their own fairy tale day.

Don't be alarmed though, just consider the following points before you choose your photographer...

  • Is your photographer a full time professional photographer?
  • Have you seen more than one complete wedding in order to assess his/her work?
  • Have you seen a recent wedding?
  • Are you happy with the style of photography he/she offers? For example, does he/she do the mix of formal and casual shots you require? Do the weddings you have seen tell the story of the day?
  • What do the facial expressions of the people tell you about how they were feeling when they were having their photographs taken?
  • Is the person(s) you met the one(s) that will be photographing your wedding? If not, you will want to meet and see the work of the person who will be your photographer.
  • Is he/she a member of a professional association?
  • Does the photographer have professional indemnity insurance?
  • Do you get on with the photographer? He/She will be the one that you are looking at whilst you are having your photograph taken.
  • Once you've found someone that you get on with and feel comfortable around, good photographic opportunities should be abundant for your professional and then he/she will then be able to capture those moments for you to the best of his/her ability.

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